Simply NomCom

So there seems to be some confusion as to what the NomCom’s job is.  I have to admit I was confused about its job at one time as well.  It took a couple of hours of sifting through blog posts, forums and documentation on the PASS site to finally figure it out.  And it’s actually very simple.

The NomCom’s job is to take the criterion that is set forth by the PASS Board of Directors and make sure that everyone that applies for the Board of Directors positions meets those criteria, then present that list to the Board of Directors.  Simple, isn’t it?

Please don’t mistake my simplified explanation of the NomCom’s job as being unimportant.  The NomCom’s job is very important and it’s a huge commitment.  So read about the candidates before you vote then vote.  It’s your community.

NomCom, what it’s all about

I submitted my application for the NomCom last week and the polls opened up yesterday.  I’ve seen an amazing amount of support not only from friends and co-workers, but also members of the community that I’ve never met.  That is what PASS is all about.  A community that encourages and helps others without ever having met someone and asking nothing in return.  I know I made the right decision to run for NomCom.  Have you voted yet?  If not, get out there and vote, your vote does count.  Read through the candidates qualifications and their applications and make your decision based on the that.  Good luck to all the candidates!

Just another SQL blog

I started out as a software developer back in 1996 in Denver, CO, doing Client/Server development in PowerBuilder.  The internet was just starting to blossom and my knowledge base was non-existent.  Over the past 16 years I’ve seen how the IT world has changed and grown, which in turn has increased my knowledge base.  My goal for this blog is to share some of the knowledge that I’ve accumulated over the years with others.

I am now a Data Architect, living in High Point, NC and I love what I do.  My focus is SQL Server.  I’ve worked with all versions of SQL Server since the infamous split from the Sybase code (a.k.a. version 4.21a).  I’ve worn all the hats that come with dealing with SQL Server, developer, administrator and now data architect.  I think this gives me a unique perspective on things and a well rounded knowledge base.

I hope you find what I post helpful, if it not interesting.

-SQL Swimmer

SQL Swimmer, you ask?  I am also an active US Masters Swimmer.